A church with a heart for the community

Sunday Club Update

Sunday Club.png
Marianne MacGregor :

The story of Moses’ incredible journey resulting in the 10 Commandments was our subject after the summer break. For the older children there was the Escape Room with tasks relating to Moses.

We meet every second and fourth Sunday of the month – and in December we will meet every Sunday in Advent. The children will take it in turn to light the Advent candle and say an Advent prayer before we go down to the hall.

Shona Clark will once again join us to rehearse a Nativity for the Family Service on 22nd December. Rehearsals have already started and will be mixed in with fun and games, crafts and baking.

Here are our dates until to Christmas:


10th Start of Nativity Rehearsals
24th Nativity Rehearsal and crafts


1st 1st Advent - Nativity Rehearsal & crafts
8th 2nd Advent - Nativity Rehearsal & crafts
15th 3rd Advent - Nativity Rehearsal - **Party & Santa 11:30-1pm**
22nd 4th Advent - Family Service with Nativity

Dates for your diary: please keep the 15th and 22nd Dec clear in your diary for our Christmas events – as always, all family members, grandparents, aunts and uncles  are cordially invited to join us.

In the new year Sunday Club will start again on the second Sunday in January, on the 12th, and then 26th January 2025 at 10:15am in the church as usual.

Thanks to Claire, Lucy, Laura, Zara and Shona who continue to help with the organisation – many hands make light work and it is very much appreciated.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a good New Year.



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Eddie :